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Goal and Target Libraries

You can utilize the goal and target libraries created by the organization. This makes it easier to create and update care plans.

Goal Library#

  1. On a Care Plan, click the + button in the bottom right corner.
  2. Choose a domain.
  3. Choose a subdomain.
  4. Select Browse Goal Library.
  5. Select one or multiple goals from the goal library.
  6. Click OK.

The goals are now in your goal list. If you would like to add a goal to the care plan, select a goal and you will be brought to the target list page where you can choose to add the targets later or select the targets and click Add.

Target Library#

  1. On a Care Plan, click the + button in the bottom right corner.
  2. Choose a domain.
  3. Choose a subdomain.
  4. Choose a goal.
  5. Select Browse Target Library.
  6. Select one or multiple targets from the target library.
  7. You can view the target configuration by clicking the expand arrow.
  8. Click OK.

The targets are now in your target list. If you would like to add a target to the care plan, select the target and click Add.

Demo video: How to Import a Target from the Target Library

See also#