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Care Plan Setup

Select a learner from the learner list to view and manage the care plan. A care plan is divided into three sections:

Future: Targets that are not configured or not started and are not displayed in a direct care session. On hold targets and goals with no targets are also displayed here.

In Progress: Targets that are in the Baseline, Active or Maintenance phases and are displayed in a direct care session.

Past: Targets that are Mastered or Deactivated and are not displayed in a direct care session.

Care Plan Structure

Skill Acquisition Targets

A skill acquisition target is made up of:

  1. Domain
  2. Subdomain
  3. Goal
  4. Target

The domains and subdomains relate to core Autism deficits and are managed by your organization. The structured hierarchy creates an organized care plan and ensures every learner's care plan has the same structure.

You can create custom goals and targets and also utilize the goal and target library.

Problem Behaviors

A problem behavior is made up of:

  1. Behavior Category
  2. Behavior
  3. Objective

The number next to the goal tells you how many targets there are in the goal across all tabs and phases, so you can better understand how many prerequisite skills lead up to the long-term goal.

The number next to the behavior tells you how many objectives there are in the behavior across all tabs and phases, so you can better understand how many objectives are being tracked per behavior.

See Also